- Powershell.org forums doesn’t help me more than Reddit.
- Several ways of distinguishing Desktops and Laptops:
- PKGDat/PKGX files
- System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity
- ::GetCurrent() : info about current user
- ::New($username) : info about another user
- Win32_UserAccount reads every user in the domain: awfully slow
- You can Trick the machine with New-CIMInstance -Clientonly -Key
- Win32_SystemUsers (still slow)
- No CIM cmdlet equivalent of Get-WMIObject (shame) -There are WMI classes that cannot be enumerated: Win32_SID
- SID/Username translation:
$NTA =New-Object Security.Principal.NTAccount -ArgumentList 'DOMAIN\User'
- $SecID = New-Object Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier -Arg ‘
' - $SecID.Translate([Security.Principal.NTAccount])
- Win32_UserProfile : profiles saved locally, with SID
There are several types in AccountManagement (user, computer, group, etc.), but Principal has a FindByIdentity that works for everything. It even works for local accounts, without having to switch from Domain to Machine context.
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement
$context = [DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.PrincipalContext]::new('Domain')
ciminstance Win32_UserProfile | % {
Dug through Chocolatey doc and code to find how to install to non-default paths: choco install ruby --params "/InstallDir:c:\stuff\ruby"
Installed Ruby, discovered Gem, thanks to searching how to create a github.io page with Jekyll. Got me a blank page at first, that’s what you get for trying to use a Gem not on github, apparently. Found my way through Jekyll thanks to the beautiful Moon theme, by Taylan Tatlı